How many times have you used an excuse to maintain a behaviour?
My particular favourite is this one " you shouldn't waste food " I can hear my mother's voice saying that as if she was standing beside me. Well guess what you are not a child anymore, and like it or not ( I won't go into the details ) that food is going to end up as waste anyhow; either in the bin or down the toilet... get the picture?
I want to drive a horse and cart through this particular piece of B.S.
Ask yourself this question, if you remove the food from your plate before you eat it and either give it to your husband/wife or dog or postman or put it into a container and put it away in the fridge or decide what you are going to eat before you eat it, then how can this possibly be waste? [...] * Read The Full Article To Discover A Simple Solution To Losing Weight Easily!
This is classic cognitive dissonance in other words an excuse, it comes straight from the unconscious mind and if it goes unchallenged will ensure that you stay overweight.
So ask yourself where in your life you are using an "excuse" so that you don't have to change a behaviour.
Look at your life, it is full of cognitive dissonance as is everyone else's, it only becomes a problem when the behaviour it supports is damaging you... ask any smoker.
The great thing about cognitive dissonance is that it is easily removed; all you have to do is challenge the excuses you are making and then commit to changing the behaviours surrounding it.
The subconscious has no concept of time it doesn't know if you have been performing this behaviour for a day or a decade... it just knows you are doing it.
As soon as you start changing the behaviour the mind will start to pick up on the new pattern and over a period of time it will become a habit.
If you meet with a little bit of resistance from your own internal voice, you can rest assured this is completely normal and it is your subconscious mind trying to keep things the same as they have always been... that's what it does
Push through it and eventually the nagging will stop and you will have a healthy new behaviour.
So my challenge to you is to challenge your own thoughts surrounding food and the concept of waste, and then put a plan into place with your new behaviour.
One last little thought, that self-limiting belief you have about cleaning your plate was more than likely given to you by someone else, probably your mother god bless her.
So ask yourself this question, would your mother want you to be overweight and suffer high blood pressure, heart problems or any other nasty disease originating from overeating all because you were a good boy/girl and cleaned your plate all up?... I think you already know the answer.
I hope with all my heart that the tone of this article has shocked you,and I also hope that it has shocked you enough that you will now erradicate this self limiting belief from your life once and for all.
My name is Grahame Cossum and I specialise in empowering people
at my ThinRU weight loss clinic to lose weight and in the process change
their own lives. I am a Behavior change coach, NLP practitioner and I
am also the founder of the ThinRU weight loss coaching system. Full details of the program can be found at Don't wait for weight loss-It's time to get your life back.
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