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7 Tips to Increase Your Metabolism Faster!

Virtually everybody concurs to the fact that for weight loss to occur there must be a significant energy deficit created in the body through one of several means. However, the body's metabolism is unquestionably the singular most important factor that determines an individual's ability to lose weight and keep it off.

Metabolism is a basic but very important chemical process carried out by the body through which it processes consumed food and converts them into energy for the body to make use of. The rate at which this process is carried out is what actually determines how fast the body produces and expends energy. [...] * Read The Full Article To Discover The 7 Tips to Increase Your Metabolism Faster!

Generally, while a fast metabolism generates and expends more energy from consumed foods, a slow metabolism on the other hand generates and expends fewer amount of energy and normally stores fat for future use. Therefore, a slow metabolism has the tendency of making a person getting fat while a fast metabolism helps him or her to burn more body fat.

An individual's metabolism is comprised of three important components which include his or her resting metabolic rate (RMR) (which is the amount of daily energy required to maintain certain physiological functions like breathing while the body is at rest); metabolism of activity (which is the energy expended during physical activities such as walking); and the thermic effect of food (this being the energy expended while eating, digesting, and absorbing food).

Apart from the above factors, some other factors such as heredity, age, gender, and thyroid disorder equally affects a person's general metabolism.

Taking the above points into consideration, below are some useful strategies that you can integrate into your lifestyle to effectively increase your metabolism, burn fat faster and thus lose weight.

1. Always Eat Breakfast and Never Starve Yourself
Breakfast can be considered to be the most important meal of the day and therefore you should stop skipping it. Eating your first meal of the day by mid-morning or in the afternoon, only serves to lower your metabolism.
Also, the act of avoiding meals in an attempt to cut down on calorie consumption should be avoided at all means when attempting to lose weight. Whenever you avoid meals or do not eat enough, your body experiences hunger pangs and goes into a "starvation mode" which basically slows your metabolism in order to conserve energy. However, eating too much is the other extreme that should be avoided like the plague.

2. Eat Small Meals More Frequently
Apart from the thermic effect of food mentioned above, it is generally advisable to eat smaller meals or healthy snacks spaced out throughout the day to help keep blood sugar level stable and provide the required energy to keep you active throughout the day.
Try to eat about five or six meals in a day by dividing what you normally eat in your three regular meals into about five or six smaller rations spread throughout your day. Extending the time between meals usually causes the body to go into "starvation mode", therefore ensure to allow about 2 to 4 hours between meals.

3. Eat More Protein
Eating more protein helps to increase your metabolism due to the fact that protein has a high thermic effect as approximately 25-30% of the calories derived from protein are used up in processing it. Proteins are also essential in building muscles; therefore try to include more lean meat, fish, eggs, nuts and bean to your regular meals as a way to increase your metabolism.

4. Drink More Cold Water
Water is the main component of the human body and over 90% of the body's chemical processes take place in it and it is also needed to flush out toxins and waste from the body. You need to ensure to drink about 8 or more glasses of water per day.
It is equally good to form a habit of frequently drinking ice cold water as it forces the body to make use of extra energy in warming the water up to the body's normal temperature before it makes use of it. Despite the fact that the impact of drinking water on weight loss might seem infinitesimal, it is nonetheless a good habit to adopt as it also has other health benefits.

5. Build More Lean Muscles through Weight Training
Increasing your body's lean muscle mass is obviously the fastest way to lose weight because muscles are very metabolically active tissues. The constant resistance of the weights used during weight training helps to stimulate and boost the growth of new muscle tissues.
The more muscles the body has, the more energy that will be expended in maintaining them thus helping to increase your metabolism and quickening of your weight loss efforts. Furthermore, the body continues to burn fat for energy even after you have stopped weight training because the more muscles you build, the higher your resting metabolic rate will be.

6. Engage in More High Intensity Aerobic Exercises
Generally, the duration and intensity of any physical exercise is what determines its health and weight loss benefits as the body requires different amount of energy at different intensity levels.
While lighter aerobic exercises burn only a modest amount of calories during the exercise period itself, moderate-intensity exercises are far better suited for general weight loss and cardiovascular health. However, shorter but harder high intensity exercises have far-reaching effect on the body's overall metabolic rate.

7. Become More Physically Active
Undertaking more physical activities during the course of your regular day is another way of increasing your metabolism. For a change you can try using the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car a little farther from your office and walking the remaining distance, riding a bike instead of driving to a nearby location, walking to the corner store instead of driving and also walking to the next office instead of making a call. These little activities will help you to become more physically active which will force your body to burn more calories thereby increasing your metabolism.

The simplest way to really reduce weight is through the use of a successful product or program like Burn the Fat that truly works. Check us out today for additional useful best weight loss tips that can assist you to fast-track your weight reduction efforts.
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