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Diet And Weight Loss Tips: A Powerful Trick I Used To Stop Desiring Bad Foods!

Of all the diet and weight loss tips, you don't need me to tell you that the most important one's are based around nutrition. And rightfully so. What you put IN your body is 75% of the battle with losing weight. Everything else (i.e. exercising) primarily speeds up results (and of course helps improve your overall health as well).

That being said, there seems to be a shortage of advice on how to STOP desiring bad foods so much. There is a TON of advice on what you should eat and what you shouldn't eat... which is fine... but some people (and I'm assuming you're one of them given that you're reading this article now) need to know how to stop those annoying cravings! [...] * Read The Full Article To Discover The Powerful Trick I Used To Stop Desiring Bad Foods !

Well, in just a moment I'm going to talk about a very powerful mental trick I do every time I desire some type of bad food (and even when I'm not having cravings). This trick wound up causing me to actually desire healthy foods more and feel nauseous when I smell or look at certain bad foods (that I USED to salivate over)!

Okay, the first thing I wanted to share with you are some of the common tactics to help combat cravings and hunger pangs:

1. Avoid getting hungry. To do this, you need to go on a diet where you are eating smaller healthy meals more often throughout the day. Also, it's important that protein and fiber is included in every meal to help combat hunger pangs.

2. Drink more. Drinking more water throughout the day not only does wonders for your body in general, it will also help stop cravings and hunger pangs.

3. Keep it out of reach. If you don't have bad foods in your house to begin with, then you'll more than likely not eat them... and eventually you'll stop craving them.

4. Go the alternative route. For example: Frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta, bag of veggie sticks instead of a bag of chips, etc.

Now for the mental trick:
What I do to stop desiring bad foods is I started looking at bad foods for what they really are.
Let me explain.

You see, a large part of your cravings and hungers comes from your brain. Signals are sent to your brain when you come in contact with bad foods from 2 of your senses (sight and smell). The way I look at this is if my brain is controlling my craving urges, then I need to reprogram my brain.

How do you do that?
Well, what else can your brain do besides process what your eyes see and what your nose smells? That's right, it can visualize and it can think (not to sound facetious or anything... lol).
Therefore, what I recommend you do is to visualize and think about what those foods REALLY are and what they are REALLY doing to your body.

For example, don't look at that cheese steak and think of how delicious it looks, or how amazing it smells. Look at all that grease around the roll and on the bottom. Look at all that greasy fatty cheese. Look at that high calorie and high carb roll that's about to screw up your blood sugar. Think about what that close to 1,000 calorie sandwich is about to do to your arteries, cholesterol level... and your waistline.

You can do this with any bad food!
Bottom line, what I have learned is that if you really look at the negatives of those desirable bad foods... eventually they are going to start being less desirable. I'm not promising overnight miracles here, but if you just give it a try, I can assure you that those STRONG cravings are certainly going to weaken.

Do you want to effectively Melt Away Fat LIGHTNING fast with an easy to follow diet program (and stop those annoying hunger pangs and craving urges) and lose up to 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks? Then I strongly recommend you learn more about the diet program I used which caused me to drop 52 pounds of fat in just 8 weeks time at >>>
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