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Fruits That Help Lose Weight: 4 Amazing Fruits That Help You to Lose Weight!

It's a known fact that fruits and vegetables are an important part of any diet. Fruits if taken properly in correct proportions can help you to have a perfectly slim and a fit body. Just try to include a few of these fruits in your regular diet and shed at least a few pounds within a month.

1. Berries. 
Many different varieties of berries exist in nature like cranberry, strawberry, raspberry, mulberry etc. The main advantage of these fruits is that not only they help in burning fat but they are also very rich in antioxidants, which helps in anti-ageing. The calorie content present in these fruits if served in a normal bowl is around 200. So try to add these berries in your regular diet on a daily basis. [...] * Read The Full Article To Discover The Other 3 Amazing Fruits That Help You to Lose Weight!

2. Citrus fruits
The next fat burning category of fruits are oranges, lemon etc. which are a great source of vitamin C. They also help to increase the immunity of body. Their thermic value is also high. A fruit with a high thermic value indicates the amount of calories that it burns while digesting. The citrus compounds present in them are responsible for this and eventually the body has to release the fats in order to digest these fruits.

3. Plums
Plums are one of the very important immunity imparting fruits which are an excellent source of Vitamin C, A, fibre etc. Fibre content is necessary to have a good bowel movement. These help to cleanse the colon thereby improving the process of digestion and in turn help to lose weight.

4. Apples
Few apples a day keeps the dietician away. Have a bowl of cut apples everyday. If you are doing this, then there won't be a need for you to visit a dietician, because you are already on the right track of losing weight.Apply is a very important fat burning fruit. The apple can also be considered as a wonder fruit as it constitutes of a lot of important compounds which helps in immunity, vision, adding stamina, strength and many more.
Now the other important part is the way in which you can serve these fruits. Cut the fruits into small pieces, and then top it up with yogurt which also has fat burning properties. You can have this yummy snack whenever you feel hungry. Even you can decorate it with honey and corn flakes.
To your health.
Dr. Anna Samuel is well known Doctor in the Dietetics World. She is also an active member of the Indian Dietetics Association,has published more than 10 books in the field of losing weight and helping people to lose weight the healthy way. For more help from Dr. Anna Samuel, become a regular reader of her website
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