Getting a flat stomach is tough and keeping it can be even tougher but let's face it, if it was easy everyone would have one and they wouldn't be so sought after. Not only do you have to spend time doing the actual exercises you need to watch you eat as well. Doing one without the other is not going to give you the results that you want. Exercising on its own will not get rid of fat from around the belly not matter how many sit-up or crunches you do. It will however tone up the ab muscles and once you lose a little weight they will start to show through. Some of the best exercises you can do to work out the stomach are : [...] * Read The Full Article To Discover How To Get a Flat Stomach and Keep It Flat!
The Bicycle Exercise
This exercise is great for working out lots of muscles although not recommended for those just starting out as it can be quite hard. Lie down on a mat with hands behind the head. Next bring knees up to the chest and lift shoulders off the floor. Now comes the tricky part. Bring the left elbow to the right knee as you straighten the left leg. Then right elbow to left knee while straightening the right leg. If you are doing it properly this should produce a smooth pedalling motion that exercises lots of muscle groups at the same time.
Reverse Crunches
This exercise is a lot easier and doesn't require quite as much coordination to do properly. Start from a lying position on the floor and bring the knees up to the chest. From this position engage the ab muscles and straighten legs so they are pointing to the ceiling. Return legs to starting position and try and do 2 or 3 sets of 10 reps each.
The Plank
This is another fairly simple exercise that is a good way to tone muscles and build stamina. It works out the muscles in the stomach and the back and is a great way to build core strength which is essential for a wide range of exercises. Start from a position face down on the floor with the body propped up on forearms. Push up from the floor so weight is supported by just the toes and forearms. Your back should be flat with the stomach muscles contracted. Hold this position for at least 20 seconds (longer if you can) and repeat 5 times.
Do you want to know how to get a flat stomach and keep it that way.
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